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Hair Care Tips For Long Hair

Hair Care Tips For Long Hair

Hair Care Tips For Long Hair

Ages have fallen short describing the beauty of a woman. Thousands of years have been dedicated to describe her charms and a hundred praising the beauty of her hair. Hairs are the crowning glory of any lady’s attribute and it is our divine duty to take care of every precious strand of it.

Who does not like boasting about her hair? I am sure, in the heart of hearts everyone does. Proper care and love for your locks is only possible when you caste a little attention to its growth and nourishment. You need not deliberately devote your entire day’s time for it. Just a few loving touches with the strokes of your fingers and a bit of affectionate awareness about its good health are well enough to make it lustrous. Let us glance how simply easy it is.Hair Care Tips For Long Hair

    • Oiling: This is a prerequisite for long and healthy hair. A good hair oil massage (preferably luke warm coconut oil) biweekly or even once in a week will provide your hair the enough of nutrition that it desires. Oiling strengthens the roots making it look evenly and shiny. Massaging regulates the circulation of blood in the scalp and promotes hair-growth. Make this a hair-ritual for beautifully bountiful and lustrous hair.

    • Shampoo For Better Care: The next step after a relaxing hair oil massage is to wash it off with a mild shampoo that contains lesser chemicals. This is one of the coolest ways to love your locks devoting less time to it. A good hair wash after an oil massage is a like a boon for the hairs. Bouncy and glazy is what your hair looks then. But be speculant enough not to over wash your hair as it tends to become fizzy and loses the moisture.

    • Condition Your Locks: Conditioning is the key account manager for maintaining healthy hair. It prevents dryness and also eases out the dirt and pollution residues. It also keeps hair free from tangles. If oiling locks the moisture for your hair; conditioning is the key to maintaining it.
    • Choose the right comb: Those with broad and wide bristles are known to be hairs’ good friends to detangle it while others with round-shaped and fine bristles are meant for styling. There are different types available for different hair requirements. However, be ever vigilant to avoid combing when your hairs are wet, else it would lead to breakage and even eruption from the roots.

    • Home-made Therapies: Nutrionalise your hair from time to time with chemical-free and goodness of home-made recipes for it. Extracts of amla (Phyllanthus Emblica); juice of hibiscus leaves; egg-white mask; curd and lemon mixture; henna; herbs like reetha(Sapindus Mukorossi), shikakai (Acacia Concinna), brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri); and various other easy to reach home-made masks for hair are available at home just at a stretch of your hand.
    • Comfortable Hair-accessories: Often hair-styling if not properly dealt with leads to hair-damage and breakage. Too much stretching of hair may lead the roots to become fragile and brittle. So, make sure that styling is accompanied by the comfort of your hair. Stretch the hair only to that extent that it can sustain and does not lead to strain and itching.

  • Healthy Diet: A plant can only grow if the roots are properly watered. Our hairs are the fruits which are the result of proper vitamins and nutrition that our body supplies to it. A healthy diet loaded with proteins and vitamins (like green vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, fish and meat) fuels proper hair growth. Also keep yourself hydrated enough with plenty of water in your diet.

Make “Beauty” simple with these simpler steps.


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