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Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips

Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips

Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips

Hi Gals! Have you ever been victim to dry and chapped lips? Or are you a prey to dark and unattractive lips? Well, if yes, then the below readings will draw you out a remedy for these.

Beautiful and pink lips are undoubtedly what each one of us desires and strive towards having it. It not only adds to your confidence and personality but also makes you look all the more appealing and eye-catchy. Chapped and shabby lips are a big pain and yes a sure irritation for one.Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips

While we pay so much attention to our face and hairs, a little devotion towards our lips will add all the more life to it. Before indulging into the practices that we should follow to derive flawless lips, we rather should be mindful towards the habits that we should distance from:

  • Avoid licking lips or running your tongue through it no matter how dry you feel.
  • Stop biting it when you find flakes of your skin prompting from it.
  • Lower down the intake of caffeine in your daily routine(Well, if able to eliminate it entirely, it would be the best).
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol as it tends to darken your lips.
  • Do not lessen the intake of water in your body.

Now Let Us Have A Glimpse On Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips:

Tips For Naturally Beautiful Lips

    • A clean base and outline is an utmost necessity. Wet a soft toothbrush and gently wipe across though you entire lips. It will remove the dead cells and accelerate the circulation of blood in your lips.
    • Apply a mixture of coconut oil and honey and massage gently onto the lips for some time before going to bed at night.
    • Smash a beet root and squeeze out its juice. Massaging it daily will draw naturally healthy and pink lips.
    • As scrubbing benefits your skin, so does it to your lips. Mix sugar in a lemon juice. Let the sugar granules dissolve a bit into the lemon drops. Now, scrub it gently in circular motions and draw a radiant and clear lip.
    • Tips fo Naturally Beautiful LipsA mixture of crushed pomegranate seeds and milk cream scrub is very beneficial towards drawing you naturally pink lips.

    • Prepare a mixture of glycerin, honey and lemon and make it an everyday habit of rubbing across your lips. This will visibly fight against dryness and chapped lips and also lessen darkening of the lips.
    • Simple application of coconut oil or olive oil or ghee on a daily basis will also draw effective results.
    • Even rose petals work as wonders when smashed and applied with butter. It is very effective in lessening lips darkness.

  • If troubled a lot by chapped lips, green tea bags are the best homemade remedy for it. Just press a used tea bag (let it cool down) on your lips and leave it for 5-6 minutes. It will reduce the cheapness to a great extent.
  • Most important of all, give your body the enough water intakes. This will benefit your overall body functioning and keep your body and lips well-hydrated.

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